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ReLiGiOn IdoL

ReLiGiOn IdoL

KARA Jumping n Mister

Selasa, 30 November 2010

a lafadz God in a proof of the greatness of God's Merapi

SLEMAN, CENTRAL JAVA - previous with photos cloud-like figure drawing Petruk clown-servants, before the eruption of Mount Merapi which is largest over later by some people interpreted that as a sign of photo-like wrath Mbah Petruk Petruk as ruler of Mount Merapi, this time with the people back dihebohkan the emergence of cloud photographs that make up the eruption of Mount Merapi, the writing of God. See Video Youtube Petruk Cloud Watcher eruption of Mount Merapi Mount Merapi appearance and Cloud Photos Mbah Marijan At Mount Merapi erupts Mbah Maridjan figure apparition.

Photo eruption of Mount Merapi, which form the lafadz God was taken by a student from Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta, which is domiciled in Klaten named Hason Suseno.

Is the image of God this lafadz shaped sign that God was showing his power? Does the emergence of God written in the clouds of Mount Merapi eruption also a sign that the apocalypse is at hand as they say some people in understanding the phenomenon of blood rain in India. Or the clouds that make up the writing of God is just an ordinary cloud that does not have any meaning? How in your opinion? postkotamakassar.com

This is the picture of God lafadz Cloud Eruption of Mount Merapi, a strange apparition latest magical and mystical events surrounding Merapi Central Java. Catastrophic events and natural phenomena in Indonesia is interesting to observe. Sanat society sensitive to the things that smelled of heresy yes. But most importantly, behind every event there is intervention of the Almighty. The goal is for humans to remember and return to nature as a creature that must be surrendered and begged for forgiveness to Allah SWT.

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